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abso-not into wanting to update.
yesterday : i hung out with my awesome, (and one of the friend that i LOVE the most. honestly.) farah, and sii zimah. i miss hanging with them, especially farah. =/ sorry, been too busy. and our timetable inda clash wahh. <-- shit, i love you, farah. X)
so many things to talk about. we talked about sii zombie. that freak is sooooo annoying. like vRaViShLy. *shivers. she walks funny. she even talks funny. humans. aren`t really perfect. but she has too many faults. <-- not exaggerating a zombie`s position.
she`s back.
but let`s not destroy this moment.
saw him during my malay class. was expecting it. but was not expecting her to be there. at least, they were not communicating.
last saturday : i hung out with khaliilah aka flying dutchman and zirah. when we were infront of the pintu audi yang sebalah water fountain thing atu, khal said 'kym, gian ku kan menari. bah. nyanyikan lagu hindustan, kym. make me move.' me, dumbfounded and distracted, did not know any hindustan, besides english, malay, kedayan, french and greek, looked at her, opened my mouth, with my awesome oh-shit-what-am-i-doing look and monotone said 'porenge, porenge, porenge.'
happy birthday, cousin gay ku, ahmad rifaie abd malek.
i`m beginning to surface this feeling of not wanting to blog.
yes. the skeptic feeling. surface and emerge, it goes. and i guess now, it surfaces, for me to let go of being an active blogger. <-- translation 'baie, kraja rumah ku banyak. nada masa ku kan update lagi. malas kuu.'
so i`ll just blog for a lil bit. about some things that i feel i wanna talk about.
fo'shiznit, baby, ala your nipple.
school is a stress bomb. everytime i leave the car, head for my beloved, MA5E i have this urge of wanting to just... <-- nevermind, i`m letting the school off this time. i`ll be talking about time. _|_
so, news flash. me, aka the awesomely cool me, is not in LOVE with anybody.
but i do LIKE
sii damiit somehow was erased. i guessed i got bored. bored of waiting for a miracle. i hate miracles. miracles are as bitchy as karma. pfft.
who needs him. life`s better off without that cute, little thing. (i still think he`s cute. guess it`s the cupid effect.)
my eye candy is my want now.
sii eye candy aka snickers, cutee. but then, i will not let any cupid`s arrow pierce my heart now, besides crushing on a heart, as the big exams are coming.
my gay cousin, rifaie aka ex aka bestfriend aka the gp mate of sii snickers, is gonna have his birthday soon. and i`m stuck figuring out what present to give him. :s
oh gosh. economics homeworks a drag. i gots to stop here. it`s nearing 12, so i got to sleep and wake at 3am to do my homework.
later, buizZz.
the awesomely lame end.
; jakee.
so it`s been like, what, five days i haven`t logged in.
stupid computer won`t work so i depend on the internet by only with my mobile. so whenever the expiry date comes up, i have to act all gay and nice to my dad or suffer the absence of blogging and watching porn.
and today, i present to you, me, myself and the only awesome of the awesomely cool me, which is me, blogging again, and being active as an active blogger. <-- da pak?
schools a boredom. like total boredom.
we had our assembly today and again our mommy was poking our asses on how to sing the national athem properly like we`re green ic`s, not yellow ic`s.
well, thanks, mommy. for being such an inspiration to us bruneians, who don`t really give a damn about our ic`s. do you want my ic? it`s a token of love from me, as you are my beloved. _|_
well, i guess i`ll stop here and blog later. again.
remember, aliens are around us. <-- shit.
the awesomely fucking end.
; jakee.
this was a conversation between four cousins who wished we were the ruler of oh-the-never-existed-world.
ruuu says:
ruuu says:
jakejake ` says:
jakejake ` says:
jakejake ` says:
ruuu says:
nada sajaaa. xp
ruuu says:
mornings are soooo boring.
ruuu says:
jakejake ` says:
and skalinya youre bored so you click on me??
jakejake ` says:
damnit. baiee. _|_
jakejake ` says:
mana abang mu?
ruuu says:
ya tidur sebalah ku. harum ah. his hair.
ruuu says:
tuuu, rai online!
ruuu says:
rai, ohh. says:
jakejake ` says:
si ruu. gila ahh.
joshjosh ; says:
yeah! aku kana invite.
jakejake ` says:
whats so good kana invite during awal pagi and kana kacau during tidur?
ruuu says:
well, your email stated online. so aku tagur laah.
jakejake ` says:
baie. ya stated online cuz malam aku ada tdc time tidur so ya sign in sendiri.
jakejake ` says:
rai, ohh. says:
awu ehhh. sumpah-sumpah ya anak baie ani.
joshjosh ; says:
ehh! Aku join kamu sumpah adi ku! BAIE KOOOOO.
ruuu says:
aiiiii. gto my mum ni. xP
joshjosh ; says:
apa niii. baru kana ucap skit sudah tia ya kan gto mama.
joshjosh ; says:
bidaaaa ehhh.
jakejake ` says:
rai, ohh. says:
lets call him a name.
rai, ohh. says:
that suits his 'oh aku inda suka kana ucap' attitude.
jakejake ` says:
i know a name!
jakejake ` says:
its a perfect fit!
joshjosh ; says:
jakejake ` says:
lets call him pussy. (;
rai, ohh. says:
joshjosh ; says:
joshjosh ; says:
jakejake ` says:
HAHAHA. *h5.
jakejake ` says:
ohhh, soo chiyuuutzz.
rai, ohh. says:
mana tia si ruu ahh?
joshjosh ; says:
mandi ya jap.
joshjosh ; says:
lets talk about something before he comes back.
rai, ohh. says:
baaah. So, apa ada?
jakejake ` says:
nada. boring much.
joshjosh ; says:
joshjosh ; says:
rai, ohh. says:
jakejake ` says:
jakejake ` says:
jakejake ` says:
baie. poklen ahh.
rai, ohh. says:
BUT, STILL! You have an ADMIRER.
rai, ohh. says:
and thats GOOD. *thumbs up.
jakejake ` says:
please im soooo not into him.
jakejake ` says:
like *rolls eyes.
jakejake ` says:
poklen~ _|_
rai, ohh. says:
cmon. it cant be that bad.
rai, ohh. says:
some poklens are nice and good looking.
joshjosh ; says:
her boyfriend has a red bush as a hair.
jakejake ` says:
rai, ohh. says:
rai, ohh. says:
rai, ohh. says:
rai, ohh. says:
jakejake ` says:
haha. -_-"
joshjosh ; says:
wow. atu banar. over reaction tuu.
jakejake ` says:
i mean, seriously i will never ever ever ever like him!
jakejake ` says:
joshjosh ; says:
thats the spirit, kii!
joshjosh ; says:
*thumbs up.
rai, ohh. says:
poklens. ewwww.
rai, ohh. says:
im disgusted of them.
jakejake ` says:
they are the vomit in the toilet bowl.
jakejake ` says:
disgusting and desperately needs to thrown away.
jakejake ` says:
even if i like him. i dont want him.
joshjosh ; says:
rai, ohh. says:
jakejake ` says:
cuz hes tall. im not into tall guys. (:
jakejake ` says:
i prefer guys like sii damiit or cooteo.
joshjosh ; says:
oh cmon kii. that damit guy is just about your ear.
joshjosh ; says:
i dont think he`ll be beneficial to you.
rai, ohh. says:
yeahh, kii. i mean, if that guy were to know, and if he likes you too, he wont wanna be in a relationship with a girl whos taller than him.
rai, ohh. says:
but its the feelings that matters. (;
jakejake ` says:
thanks rai.
jakejake ` says:
for understanding me.
jakejake ` says:
*cries gayishly.
joshjosh ; says:
how long have you like this damit guy?
jakejake ` says:
liked him since form3.
jakejake ` says:
the other guys ive had been with were just distractions.
jakejake ` says:
for me to forget him.
joshjosh ; says:
rai, ohh. says:
so, what are you gonna do about it?
jakejake ` says:
me feat josh and rai said:
SHIT!haha. Antah ehh. paloy rasanya membuat ani.
the awesomely antah end.
; jakee.
i developed this superb feeling for this particular person since march this year. it was unexpected, yes, cuz this feeling was also present few years back. but back then, i was still just a maggot, in other words a junior who would fall in love with anybody. i was still stupid and my feelings were for any guys that i feel i wanna like, without even thinking who or what are they. stupidity always intercepted me. but i guess going through all those temptation and ups and downs in relationships made me more, in adult terms, mature ahaha.
i didn`t care about guys when i was still in my level one maggot stage. i mean, pfft, who needs em. we girls be fine. but, a guy caught a hold of my heart and i soon fell in love. but things were different back then. dulu, it was all about being the hunted. attracting different aged men so they could suffocate us with their love. being all pedofile and famous at the same time. because what? cuz of sucking older men`s balls? <-- shit, i wasn`t in this group. i was just explaining this crap.
HAHA. i`m enjoying this.
i was a 'stare-er'. i looked for a prey from a far. i don`t make moves like some sluts would (eg molesting men from behind. harhar.) i would just emancipate myself with the surroundings and look. yes. LOOKSTARESEEWATCH.
some of my friends even gesture me to make a move. 'confess to that man, bish. c`mon, what`sit to lose?' my dignity. my respect for that person. my pride. so i `d rather not.
yes. I do WANT that person. but in economics, wants are just those to satisfy our desire. i mean, why waste time on something i can`t have while you have other stuff to think about.
that was when i was in the level one maggot stage. now i`m a senior. a new person. a being left off from the maggot stage to become a more better person.
but the topic love always made the noob seniors suffer. or the later stage of maggot.
i suffered a lot. some hurts. some suicidal. yes. it makes us feel in the seventh heaven.
(suddenly, i don`t know what i`m talking about cuz i`m lost and tired.)
to conclude all the crap, i am in love with this person. usually i am able to let that person go. very easily. but i can see this situation is different. once i let him go, he`ll be gone. FOREVER. :( which is so heartbreaking. not like the others. pfft. them. i`ll be able to look at them cuz they`re in the same batch or a year older. but when we`re talking about a someone in the last batch of the year, it shreds my heart.
sii damiit.
i`m letting this off. i can`t stand the tears piercing my eyes. so goodnight.
the awesomely sad end.
; jakee.
happy birthday, sofiah kassim.